Dream Big • Believe

Brand Style Guide

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Your brand’s visual identity is more than the logo. A brand style guide perpetuates that.
Your visual identity is colors and styles that make anything your brand produces immediately recognizable — from your advertisements to your business cards to your packaging. To solidify your identity, you need a brand style guide.

This means standardization of the fonts you use for headlines versus paragraph text, or what the ratio is of blue to green in anything you publish. This helps anyone who is creating materials for you — whether its new hire on your marketing team or a new agency you’ve hired — create materials that look like they’re all from the same designer, and more importantly, the same brand.

Consistency across your marketing materials is critical for any business regardless of scale. It’s a simple way to let your customers know that you’re dedicated to consistency, while simultaneously building brand awareness through each marketing asset.

Working with you, we’ll develop a brand style guide for fonts, colors, imagery and layout that standardize your brand’s visual identity and keep you consistent. This will be a physical and digital manual that you will always have access to. You’ll be involved throughout the process, helping us combine your unique style and preferences with our creative strategy and data-backed design.

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