Dream Big • Believe

Social Media Reporting & Analysis

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We monitor all web activity around your ads to provide you with detailed social media reporting and analysis reports on campaign performance with insight on how to improve the strategy each time.
We love data. Though we don’t let data determine every creative decision we make, we do use it to determine successes and shortcomings and guide how we move forward.

Reporting for paid advertising campaigns is vital to campaign success not just for ensuring we’ve hit the target but also for making sure we’re not wasting a penny. As with any campaign, we begin by setting realistic goals and executing against them. We use A/B testing (publishing and A version and B version of a particular option to test which version achieves the goal better) to assess elements of the campaign in smaller settings. With this base knowledge of which design and copy choices are most attractive, we can launch a bigger, broader campaign with a higher probability of success.

With a solidified creative direction, we look at campaign data daily to see which audiences are responding to which ads, and adjust budgets accordingly. We assess the effectiveness of our audiences targeting as well — sometimes the ad is right, but the audience isn’t. If that’s the case, we’ll make sure we know quickly.

We keep you involved every step of the way with reports and meetings so you know exactly what’s happening with your campaign and your budget before decisions are made.

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